Sunday, October 10, 2010

To Boldly Go....

His risk was great, the time so right.
Standing true, standing firm.
Boldness that is Divine for a purpose.
Flesh melting aside to the Spirit.

Armour ready for battle.
Hidden are the Gems of the Word.
Strike hard the sound of Passion.
Great is He that is in Me.

Temptation abounds and whispers.
Feelings hurt, should I go on?
Boldness carries forward to the Truth.
The Way, the Truth, the Life carries forward.

Many leave and fear mounts.
Multitude stay with faith restored.
Challenged to stand tall, to move forward.
Stale Spirit no more, Spring is here.

For the past few days I have been encouraged to Boldly go forth.  Through my mind I keep hearing the beginning of every Star Trek episode or movie...."Space, the final frontier...."  I am not here to just accept Christ and be happy, but I have been given a Mission.  Not a Top Secret Mission, but a Bold Mission to proclaim the Word of God became flesh and share what that life changing event has done for me and can do for so many others.  Through the Boldness of the people in my life, I have become alive to my quest.  Who will join me? (John 6:60 and Ephesians 6:19)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so honored that God has chosen for us to walk this path together, my Love!

    (Sorry, I forgot...I mean, two steps behind you at all times...LOL!)
