Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blank canvas

Today is not tomorrow,

It is not yesterday.

Today is an empty canvas,

Full of Wondrous Amazement!


The tools given to each:

What can....

What will...

Paint the land with what is given.


Colors collide with reality,

Broad the strokes,

The color so vibrant.

Breathe in the Beauty...


Arms open wide,

Direct the actions of my Heart,

Use your servant..

I am yours.


"And I will delight myself in Your commandments, which I love." Psalm 119:47

I take delight in seeking the One who made me, saved me, and guides me. My delight is a deliberate act and not a burden. Each day is a blank canvas where God asks me to step out on Faith. Every moment begins with that step forward, some steps are painful, but others are natural. Does God take the same delight in my action if it is not on faith. Does my aroma give Him pleasure when my actions are simple? I will not fear tomorrow because my focus is on not today, but the very moment. My faith will take me to Him...

"And Peter answered Him and said,'Lord if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.' So He said, 'Come'....." Matthew 14:28-29

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