Sunday, February 13, 2011

When we return...

Busy is the way of the world
False hope is around each corner.
"You can have it now"
No wait inside...

Impatience draw us away,
Traps set in our path.
Grabbing us, locking us down.
Shame sets in......

Our desire is to go Home.
Pride blinds our Spirit
and fear suffocates our hope.
Deep within we cry out.

How could it be so simple,
the turn towards Grace...
Humbly we kneel,
Accepting the Gift.

Each day is a struggle to follow, to pursue, to hope, but if we turn towards the Grace of God he will meet us.  My memory verse this week is:  "So he returned home to his father.  And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming.  Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him."  Luke 15:20.  There are many times in our journey, that we are so far away from our Father, looking at the world instead of Him.  It is so powerful to me that He sees my heart and knows when I am pursuing Him.  In my deepest darkest times, he still sees me "a long way off", but still is "filled with love and compassion" for ME!  I am truly humbled by my Father!

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