Sunday, November 7, 2010

"These aren't the droids your looking for..."

Layer by layer
My relationship enhanced
Freedom lies within

As I continue my walk to Freedom, I am struck by the awe of God.  He could easily use the Jedi Mind Trick on me and take away my pain and suffering, however, He wants a personal relationship.  He wants me to crave Him as much as He craves me.  For this He shows me what keeps me from being closer to Him and it is up to me to decide to follow or not.  It is up to me to draw upon His strength.  I am an onion and each layer is a part of my life that keeps me from achieving all that His mighty hand directs.  I am honored to draw upon his strength and confess my short comings. (Psalm 32:3-5)

1 comment:

  1. Ryan - good stuff man - "choice" to follow or not - it's that simple freedom given to us by God that can either draw us closer to Him or keep us far away! You rock man!
