Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Holy Haiku!

Accredit, but test
Holy one breathes authentic
True it is

It is so important to feed upon the word of God (1Pet 2:2) and to crave the joy in the experience.  We get our nourishment from a multitude of places:  Church, TV, Radio, Blogs, Friends...etc.  What must be realized is that no matter where you get your nourishment you much check it to make sure it came from the One, True God.  In Acts 17:11 we find that the Bereans "received the word with great eagerness and examined the word everyday to if what Paul said was true."   We have been warned that there will be false teachings and false profits, we must rely upon the spirit and the word to guide us.  As the Lord molds us, we must test our path to verify it is heading to breath of God.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Holy Spirit our Garmin

The path so true, yet turns dark.
Wisdom sought, wispers back...
"Turn right," but I go left.
"Stop," yet I continue on.

Adversity is around every corner.
The storms rage in the path.
I hear warnings, but don't Listen.
I see sights, but I am blind.

The Spirit is patient and waits.
Desire returns, agony no more.
The path has been illuminated,
The connection is set.

"Turn right," I throw down my pain.
I cry out, "Away with you!"
The path is true, the wind brushes.
All is ablaze, communion is here.

Can we lose our path, can we ignore the One and only?  Unfortunatly, it happens all too often.  The focus is then not that we took our own path, but how to get back to the path of the One.  How to clear out our senses and feel the True Communion of our Father.  The joy is when we throw away our idols and desires for the simple Faith.  He is always there, always patient and waiting for the Pure Heart.  Build in me the Heart of David and the Wisdom of Solomon.  Isaiah 30:15-22


Monday, September 20, 2010


The battle began so early and so fast.
The thoughts, the feelings so intense.
At home the battle armour was left,
Yet the fight continued on.

The day grew long, to help the spirit.
Answered deep within, the guidance of One.
Listen, listen to what you see.
Look upon what you hear.

What must be done, what is?
To stand alone by the world?
To kneel at the Light?
What shall I bring, what shall I leave?

The world can go no farther, yet it moves.
My choice today, to stay?....
At His feet, I see my freedom.
Who touched me?

The faith to turn the One..
The courage to stand out in a crowd!
That is my tomorrow, for the day is gone.
It is my now, my joy, my Savior!

I want and need for my life to be as the lady in Luke 8:45-48.  To have such faith in Christ as to have him stop in a crowd and know that you sought Him.  These thoughts will fill my heart tonight as I rest, I pray they will be the wisdom for the start of tomorrow.
