Sunday, August 11, 2013

Distractions of Mr. Why

There is no comfort in the steps I make,

But for the tug of the One who called me in the beginning.

What once was is now lost,

A life spent and toiled.

The fellowship found has now fled,

Actions shadowed by their beliefs.

The walk, committed from the beginning,

Moves forward at the beckoning.

My spirit is rocked by the fleeing footsteps,

They run to the complacent lies of their reality.

Comfort is not found for them in my pain,

They fall silent.

My choice casts fear on their walk,

I push forward seeking the Light.

His feet I place my fears, in Him I trust my future.

There is innocence in my silence.


"Now prepare yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me." Job 38:3

Long ago, many questions swam through my mind. The why's and what's dominated my thoughts. Abandoned and foggy was my walk that was so very clear before. I too began to question God and what he was doing. I could relate to Job in this area. At the end of his suffering, after losing loved ones, wealth and friends; he began to question God as as if he had equal footing with the master. God indeed threw questions back to overwhelm Job and force him back to submission and restore his proper role as the Lord's servant.

So there I stood feeling all sorry for myself and waited for my Fathers answer. So soft His response, "Why do you ask why, when you should be asking how. I cannot use you for My Kingdom if you are always looking back..." My mind did a double take, then exploded. Wow.....I was so hung up on why, that My Father could not use me.

Here I stand, many months later,better for burying the why and putting on my How outfit. I wish I could say I don't ask why, because on occasion I will embrace that easy question. I, however,do not stay on the why because I want the How to be in control.

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

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