Saturday, May 26, 2012

Unfinished Business

To here is the call, The gentle breeze speaks. Consuming the heavy past, Breathing Hope for tomorrow. Ragged we stand gazing off, False hope in the comfort of the past. Here we are, there we were, Both one in the the same..... He wants us in the now, No preparation required for the meeting. Dirty and shackled He wants us, Ready to cleanse when asked.... Still a long way off He sees us, The journey is in the now. The burden He lifts, Releasing yesterday...cleansing today. "Moses said to the people, 'Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord......Then the Lord said to Moses, 'Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on." Exodus 14:13, 15 In my journey I have two primary objectives; (1) Stand still to hear the call and (2) Move on.... I have to stand still and listen to His promise and direction, once I have received that promise I must move forward to allow for the blessing to happen. With God at your side, the Journey is endless and rewarding.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tomorrow is not yesterday

The pains of sorrow fight the light, Flickering the past into the shadows. The present is dim despite the brightness of tomorrow, Shadows swaying to hope, visions distorted. Only the One knows the path to Home, The flame is awakened by the Father. Teaching from history to revive the future, Calling into the darkness "Your Hope is here" Soft and smooth is the whisper, Tickling the roots to grow deep within. The walk is tedious and treacherous, The mirage matures in its Faith. "I have prayed for you..." Passions stir that once were lost, Ministering to the belief of Majesty. The patchwork becomes the badge. "But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith will not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.". Luke 22:32 There is always a moment of reflection before going forward to the unknown. A pause in time when we meet Christ,that Kyros, when the world stops and you speak to your Savior face to face. The questions leave and you are blanketed with His grace. Fueling the strength to walk forward,to do what is asked without question. He will provide the companions for your journey,for you are not alone. What is given is sufficient for today and tomorrow. The walk begins.....