Saturday, January 14, 2012

Blasphemous Freedom

Darkness craved the fear,
   awakening the savage spirit.
Adrift in emptiness,
  wispers in the nebulous.

Frustrated by the binding,
  hopelessly drained of faith!
The desintagration begins
  as the radience fades.

Out of obscurity they are seen,
  deliberately they grasp my humanity
My spirit is roused from its slumber,
  my heart permeates confidence.

Blasphemy:  irreverent behavior toward anything held sacred
Freedom:  the power to order ones own actions

"Do not grieve the Holy Spirit." Eph 4:30.

Life is all about freedom of the heart, but what direction does this freedom go?  A lot of anything is dangerous, good or bad.  As believers it is in our nature to pull and tug from the spirit.  The flesh pulls, just as the spirit pulls.  The tension is tremendous and can weight so much on our spirit.  It can feel like a gargantuan stack of bricks on our shoulders.  We are not called to carry this load.  We are asked to place it His feet, seek His direction and wisdom.  Do not grieve the Spirit by taking advantage of the Freedom that you have, but take heed the calling of the Spirit as it does not require burden as part of your luggage on your journey.  The irony here, we give up freedom to the spirit and He gives it back ten fold.  Amazing, but sometimes we have to go through the darknesss to understand or it may require us to pull someone from that same darkness we stumbled upon.


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